Aadi ; Keerthanam; Saanskrit.

Artist: Smt. Ananthalakshmi Venketaraman.

Note: Prince Aswathi Thirunal Rama varma renders this in Aananda Bhairavi.

Oh Friend! Do you remember that once we went to the forest to fetch fire wood as ordered by our guru’s wife?
After we gathered fire wood and tied them up as bundles and were carrying them on our heads, dark night fell and heavy rains poured. So we spent the night holding our hands together. Do you remember at all?
At dawn did not our pereceptor, the gem among the teachers, upon witnessing the hardships we underwent due to the devotiion to him, bless us?
Lord KRSHNA, whose brilliance excels that of the sun, and who is worthy of praise by all, conversed with KUCELA thus!

(Translation by Dr. T.K Govinda Rao)