Sankaraabharanam; Chaapu; Keerthanam; Saanskrit.

Artist: Sri Ambalappuzha Vijayan.

Note: Kriti on Shiva of Sucheendram, Tamil Nadu.

I worship the Lord of PARVATI who is the source of compassion.
The one whose lotus feet are worshipped by DEVENDRA and other celestials.
His head is decorated with GANGA; His effulgent side glance is full of compassion; His form is attractive to the minds of the entire world; He is holding a deer in his lotus hand; He annihilates dreadful demons; His hands are encircled with serpents; He is charming and shining in a stage-SABHA which is pure and will bring auspiciousness. He is SIVA who has a very huge bull as his vehicle.
His teeth are like jasmine buds; face excels the pride of the cool moon; He, joyously dwells in HIMALAYA forever. He removes the miseries of those who bow at him, He is the enchanter of heart of PARVATI, the one with beautiful eyes; has glorious story of protecting the son of a sage from the god of death; His mere look will bring happiness; Just as the fire burns the moth, He burnt to ashes Cupid with the fire from His third eye.
His matted tresses are shining with the crescent moon; His feet put an end to formidable evils; He flourishes in the lotus hearts of sages; it removes the fear of birth & death forever; shines with GUHA and VIGHNESA; His form is brilliant like the most precious quality of quartz crystal; He presides over the world renowned SUCHINDRA temple.

(Translation by Dr. T.K Govinda Rao)