Today the printing Press is well known even to ordinary People. Though Printing industry had its origin in foreign countries, it spread to India towards the end of the 18th century.
The documents cited here relate to the establishment of the first Printing Press in Travancore and represent one of the major steps towards the modernization of social life taken under the sanction of Sri Swati Thirunal Maharaja. It reveals the modest beginnings of the Printing industry which plays a vital role in the Socio-political life of the State at present.
The acting Diwan addressed in the letters was Ranga Rao.

No. 142/1838

The Acting Diwan of Travancore.

As I understand, by letter from Trivandrum that the business of the printing press is getting on but very slowly for want of a proper person to Superintend it, I beg to recommend that you immediately endeavour to procure from Madras a properly qualified person for the purpose of directing the Establishment and personally assisting in the various working departments of the Press.
I think this object will best be effected by you requesting Mr. Roberts to write on the subject without delay to Mr. Carstains, who I am persuaded will be happy to afford us on this occasion every assistance in his power.

I have the honour to be
Your most obedient servant




Resident’s Office,
23rd January 1838.

The Resident;

Dated 23”
Despatched January 1838.

G.No. 142
D.No. 41


Sub: Persons to superintend the Printing Press.

Requests to procure from Madras some proper persons to superintend the working of the Printing Press.

No. 212/1838

The Acting Diwan of Travancore

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter No. 164 under date the 5the instant, and to state that your temporary transfer of the Printing Establishment and apparatus to Mr. Caldecott seems to be, under the circumstances of the case, entirely an unobjectionable measure.

I have the honour to be
Your most obedient servant

Rest’s Office, (Sd.)
Cochin, COL. FRASER,
8th February 1838. Resident.

The Bh. Resident,

Dated 8th
Despatched February 1838.

G.No. 212
D.No. 63


Sub: Transfer of Printing Establishment.

Agrees with him in the temporary transfer of the Printing establishment and apparatus to Mr. Caldecott.