Saurashtram; Chaapu; Padam; Malayaalam.

How do I bare this intense agony? When will you show your compassion? Among the doe-eyed maidens of this world, probably, I am the only one affected by the five arrows of Cupid!
When I close both my eyes and think of You, your image clearly comes in my mind. Oh the one equal to Cupid! When I open my eyes again, alas! I can’t express the magnitude of my desire that overflows.
Just as the CATAKA bird cries for water to quench its thirst, I too cry aloud to you to satisfy my desire. Is it not so, oh Lord with moon-like face!
Oh the immaculate Lord! Please protect me from becoming the laughing stock of women folk, oh my beloved! Oh the lord having cloud-like form!
Oh the immaculate Lord! Please protect me from becoming the laughing stock of the women folk, oh my beloved! Oh the lord having cloud-like form! Come immediately and indulge in amorous sports with me. Oh VANAJANABHA!

(Translation by Dr. T.K Govinda Rao)