Neelaambari; Aadi ; Keerthanam; Saanskrit

Artist: Prince Aswathi Thirunal Rama Varma.
Note: This composition is on the Anandavalli Devi of Padmanabhapuram, now in Tamilnadu.

Oh ANANDAVALLI! Grant me happiness without fail.
Your smile is like the rays of nectar which can wipe off the darkness of grief. One who is sporting a young parrot. Hail!
One whose feet are worshipped by INDRA-foe of JAMBHA; daughter of the king of mountains. One who is adorned with camphor on the crescent like forehead. You are like the bee to the lotus face of SIVA. The one with lotus-like eyes. Always dwell in my heart.
Your long tresses surpasses the water bearing collection of clouds. You are the only skillful one in dispelling the misfortunes of those who worship your lotus feet. One who has the glory of removing the afflictions of the three worlds. Please grant me insurmountable prosperity.
One who has the most beautiful face like the charming autumnal moon; resides in the hearts of the ascetics. One who has charming teeth like the beautiful jasmine buds; feet like the tender leaf of PARIJATA-the celestial tree. Oh The sister of Lord PADMANABHA! Dispel my grief.

(Translation by Dr. T.K Govinda Rao)