Shanmukha priya; Chaapu; Keerthanam; Saanskrit.

Artist: Dr. B. Arundhathi.

Note: Maharajapuram Santhanam used to render this at the Navarathri mandapam.

Pray give me protection with your kindness, oh the distinguished son of MANU clan.
You have the glory of bestowing the desired boons, oh lord with exquisitely beautiful form, and of great virtues.
You vanquished a host of enemies. Your brave exploits are many. You sport a peerless bow and arrows on you beautiful hands.
You are the beautiful swan dwelling in the lotus like heart of great ascetics. You are adorned with golden robes. You are very beautiful like Cupid.
Your face resembles fully blossomed lotus; you are the spouse of VIDEHASUTA-VAIDEHI. PANKAJANABHA! SAURE! Please give me good fortune.

(Translation by Dr. T.K Govinda Rao)