Raamapriya; Aadi ; Keerthanam; Saanskrit.

Artist: Smt. Rajasree Warrier.

Oh Lord, please protect me with great joy. Oh the peerless one! You are venerated by the whole universe. Your eyes are more beutiful than lotus, the most benevolent lord.
Please destroy the formidable cycle of birth & death. Oh Lord, your countenance is auspicious. You are the saviour of the learned ones.
You are to sins what wind is to clouds, oh Lord who has a sacred bull as vehicle; your beauty pales the pride of Cupid. you destroyed the fierce group of demons and have beautiful teeth like the jasmine buds.
With your graceful glance you destroy the fear of birth & death cycle of those who worship at your feet. Please dwell in my heart forever. You are comprehended by VEDA and AGAMA. Oh handsome one! INDRA and other celestials genuflect at your lotus feet.
You are the treasure trove of all noble virtues without a blemish. You are surrounded by the group of hunting dogs. you are the husband of lord PADMANABHA’s sister. You the enchanting Lord, the suzerain of three worlds, please protect me.

(Translation by Dr. T.K Govinda Rao)