Yadukula kaambhoji; Roopaka; Utsavaprabhandam; Malayaalam.

Artist: Dr B. Pushpa.

Oh Beautiful smiling woman with cloud like dark tresses! How can I describe the experience of the ever growing desire at the sight of SRI NIRAJANABHA?
Oh SUDATI one with beauiful teeth! Do tell me whether in the fourteen worlds, there is any young lady who does not become escstatic, seeing the pleasant face of the Lord?
Oh my dear companion! How strange it is, that the lord’s red lips that transform the surroundings also red, makes one immerse in the ocean of love!
Oh one with melliflous voice! Are not the poets ashamed to compare the Lord’s face with that of the pleasant shining moon?
The intensity of the desire does not let me get sleep at all, which makes it impossible to be with Him even in dreams!
The purpose of having eyes become fruitful with the vision of NALINAKSHA; yet those who had the vision are not satiated even for aeon.

(Translation by Dr. T.K Govinda Rao)