Mohanam; Chaapu; Utsavaprabhandam; Malayaalam.

Artist: Dr K. Omanakutty.

This world is reverberating with the celebrations of festivities of SRI PANKAJANABHA.
From the day the flag is hoisted atop the flagstaff, which shines brighter than the rising sun;
innumerable brahmins visit and joysouly partake of cooked rice and offer obeisance to the Lord.
The corridors of the temple are decorated with streamers which looks like a floral umbrella to the deity of the goddess who come and join with her Lord, in the procession.
People happily enjoy themselves by meeting in places like shopping arcades and houses.
The temple of the Lord is decorated grandly. Thus the name ANANDAPURA is most befitting to the city.

(Translation by Dr. T.K Govinda Rao)