Poorvi kalyaani; Aadi ; Keerthanam; Saanskrit.

Artist: Prof. Neyyattinkara Mohanachandran.

Note: This kriti is on Siva of Sreekanteswaram, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.

Oh Lord SAMBHO! Please protect me forever, You, who destroyed the form of Cupid.
Please show a little mercy and alleviate my sufferings.
You wielded MANDARA mountain as a bow; father of GANESA; expert in bestowing the desired boons on your devotees. Adored by CUPIDS, you are adorned with crescent moon. You are the daughter of snow clad mountains. Your dark hued neck is adorned with serpents as garland. Oh conqueror of TRIPURA.
You protected MARKANDEYA, the son of MRKANDU, from the misery of being encircled by the noose of death and punished the Lord of death also. Oh bestower of boons! The third eye adds beauty to your forehead. Your form is smeared with sacred ashes. You sport a Trident and a battle axe in your hands. You have the handsome sacred bull for your vehicle.
Oh SRIKANTESVARA! Did you not drink the dreadful poison-KALAKUTA-that emerged when the churning of the milky ocean had taken place? A host of names of VISHNU-the SAHASRANAMA is made more effective by you. Lord PADMANABHA, worshipped by INDRA, also has the glory of your service.

(Translation by Dr. T.K Govinda Rao)