Ataana; Aadi; Keerthanam; Saanskrit.

Artist: Dr Sreevalsan J Menon.

Note: This Kriti is on Devi of Kumaaranallur, Kottayam District, Kerala.

Oh suzerain of KUMRANAGARA (Kumaranallur), the repository of compassion, you reside in the lotus.
You are the wish-yielding tree to the devotees. You are the bee that intently seeks the nectar of the lotus-face of Lord PADMANABHA.
Your gem studded anklets jingle sweetly. The tinkling of your bangles that adorn your wrist are melodious, your face shines like the moon. Your tresses are adorned with the fresh petals of lotus. The beauty of your eyes darkened by collyrium, excels that of KHANJANA a species of wag-tail. You reside in the hearts of those who have conquered passion. Your forehead is adorned with musk paste.
Your neck is beautiful like the conch, oh the mother of the universe, protector of the world! Your lips are red like the BIMBA fruit. Your dark and rich tresses are like the swarm of bees. Eyes are lovely like the blue lotus, you are adored by SIVA, VISHNU and others. You bestow good fortune to those who worship you.
Your gait is more graceful than that of the elephant, destroyer of the enemies of the celestials, the origin of the world! Your teeth are like jasmine buds. Your feet are soft and delicate, your charming smile is wonderful than the crescent moon, the sweet nectar from them lights up your beautiful lotus face. You are worthy of being worshiped by all, pray protect me.

(Translation by Dr. T.K Govinda Rao)