Huseni; Misra Chapu; Padam; Malayaalam.

Artist: Sri Ayamkudi Mani.

Oh Friend! Alas! I cannot tolerate this passionate emotions!
My lord is annoyed with me, you have to persuade him.
Oh KADARAKSHI! BALIKE! it is very difficult to explain my inner feeling. Oh my god!! (SIVA! SIVA!) the cool moon burns like the hot sun and intensifying my desires, and diminishing my joy.
Oh VIDYULATANGI! The valorous ones are shooting arrows everywhere in the world; will my Lord who is good natured and intelligent-cheat me?
Without hiding anything in the mind, please tell my beloved SRI PADMANABHA all about my miseries in your smart way of talk and make him come to me with compassion.

(Translation by Dr. T.K Govinda Rao)