Mohanam; Jhampa; Keerthanam; Saanskrit.

Artist: Smt. Seethalakshmi Ammal.

I always offer my obeisance to SRI PADMANABHA.
I wave the light of camphor at the feet of the Lord, which are made brilliant by the reflection from the gem studded crowns of celestials.
You appeared as a child visible to the most celebrated devotee DIVAKARA YATINDRA. When you playfully snatched the sacred SALAGRAMA, YATINDRA got angry , then with a knowing smile and lotus like glance, You disappeared.
Later, immersed with sorrow the sage searched for You and found You to his joy in his vision. You were beautiful and pure of form, bathed in sacred water, holding SANKHA and CAKRA in hands. You were consecrated in the ordained manner. Oh one with lotus like feet!.
Looking at your, huge form like HIMALAYA mountain, the sage was astonished. Heeding to the prayer of the great sage DIVAKARA, You diminished your form to suit the width of the three doored VIMANA-SANCTUM SANTORUM.
Due to the devoted service of the sage, You appeared along with the peerless BHUDEVI & RAMADEVI. You are worshipped by GARUDA. You recline on the king serpent. The sacred tank PADMATHIRTHA is capable of burning all henious sins.You are the solace to the people of SYANANDURAPURA.
You delight in the celebrations of LAKSHADIPOTSAVA-a festival with laksh of lights, conducted by the VANCI MARTTANDA VARMA MAHIPALA-the ruler of the VANCI dynasty. You reside forever out of compassion for those pious ones, who seek Your lotus feet as the sole refuge. Oh Lord PADMANABHA!.

(Translation by Dr. T.K Govinda Rao)