Dhanyaasi; Roopaka; Keerthanam; Saanskrit.

I reflect upon SRIRAMA.
The one who killed the notorious demons; who sports bow and arrow; who has the hue of saphire and eyes like lotus.
Protector of those who surrender; having SITA as consort of infinite compassion; surrounded by distinguished monkeys; destroyer of the pride of ocean; your red lips resemble the BIMBA fruit; the Lord of mankind; destroyer of the merciless RAVANA and the one who smiles gently.
Beautiful in appearance, as majestic as the ocean, resides in the flawless hearts of the sages, one who is devoted in helping the celestials to get rid of their miseries, one who walks gracefully and whose gait surpasses that of king-elephant.
One who destroys the miseries in the life of devotees who pray to him, who is SARASIRUHANABHA, who is pure and worshipped by INDRA, who considers everyone on par and removes the sins of people and adept in protecting ardent devotees.

(Translation by Dr. T.K Govinda Rao)