Shahana; Misra Chapu; Padam; Malayaalam.

Artist: Prof. Neyyattinkara Mohanachandran.

What shall I do now? Alas! My mind is in turmoil with longing.
Your sweet speech excels honey and melts the heart of ladies adorned with pearl garlands. Without listening to such speech…
Day and night I am meditating upon your golden feet in my heart and embracing you within. Without ego and without wasting a second, come to me with your honey flowing mouth.
The Cupid is tormenting me by shooting his arrows; to resolve my miseries, leaving your pride, come and embrace me with your flower like body and unite with me.
The cool-moon like a ball of fire is piercing my heart. Leave all your stubbornness and come and unite with me, oh PANKAJANABHA.


(Translation by Dr. T.K Govinda Rao)